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Activities and Events

This section is constantly updated.

Please get in touch to get your activity at your local node listed here.

October/November 2024








Upcoming training involving reproducibility:



  • 31.10.2024 Bootcamp on free-text analysis powered by LLMs: come and learn with prof. Perttu Hämäläinen and others how to use OpenAI API programmatically to analyse large amounts of free-text data (e.g. interview transcripts). Note: this is the only event in this list that is in-person only and limited to 30 participants on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations at:









More trainings in November and December available at: 


...and if there are some topics that you want us to cover in future trainings or workshops, please do not forget to take the survey 


November 22-25, 2022

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“Python for scientific computing”


An on-line course aimed to improve your scientific Python skills starting Tuesday 22nd November at 10:00 EET (4 days, 3 hours per day). 1 ECTS available if you need it.


More info and registration at:

September 7-9, 2022

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Reproducibility, Replicability and Trust in Science 2022 conference

For more information on the speakers, agenda, and registration, please follow the link below:

This meeting will bring together an international audience of researchers motivated to improve the robustness of scientific research. It will also include important stakeholder groups such as data and services providers, tool developers, publishers, institutions and funders that are developing policies relating to research reproducibility.

The overarching theme of the 2022 conference is to position the challenge of reproducibility and replicability as a behaviour-change problem that, when addressed, can lead to culture change within research. The various approaches to effecting and supporting this culture change will be explored in this year’s programme.

Discussions will include topics such as the challenges of ensuring reproducibility and replicability in large, multicentre research collaborations, training researchers in reproducibility, the role of policy development, tools that support reproducibility and replicability, social and behavioural aspects of culture change, local challenges to reproducibility on a global scale, and improving reproducibility and replicability leads to better-quality, transparent and more equitable research outputs, building.

The format will include presentations from international leaders with ample time for discussion and debate. Abstracts on all areas of the conference are welcome for a poster or oral presentation. The participation of early career researchers will be a strong and prominent thread throughout the conference.

In addition to the plenary presentations and discussion, the conference will include a panel discussion aligned with workshops on how we could better demonstrate and measure progress in delivering more reproducible and replicable research, giving all delegates an opportunity to contribute.

This conference will be a hybrid meeting – with onsite or virtual attendance.

April and May 2022







Training in Research Data Management and Open Science


Aalto University Research Data Management Network organises a biannual webinar series on research data management (RDM) and open science. The registration for spring 2022 webinars is now open! The webinars are aimed at researchers and students but are open to anyone. Participation is free and no prior knowledge is needed. Please note that we do not issue attendance certificates. All webinars are held in English. Please see the full list of webinar descriptions and registration links below.


Responsible conduct of research, questionable research practices... and possible cures | April 28, 2022, at 1–2 PM (EET) | Registration


This lecture addresses responsible conduct of research, reproducibility of science and open science, and the ways in which these themes are intertwined. Examples regarding the low reproducibility of science are introduced, and possible cures are presented. By attending this webinar, you will learn about the following topics.

  1. Responsible conduct of research 

  2. Research misconduct (fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and misappropriation)  

  3. Questionable research practices such as p-hacking and HARKing 

  4. Reproducibility of science, including open methods and open data 

  5. Participants may ask questions about their particular interests. We encourage participants to register and submit questions in advance to the instructor.


Who can participate?

Everyone with an internet connection.



Current Trends in Academic Publishing: Publishing in Horizon Europe projects and the emerging Overlay Publishing concept | May 3, 2022, at 1–2.30 PM (EET) | Registration



This session will cover some of the recent developments in academic publishing. The first part addresses publishing in research projects that receive funding from the Horizon Europe program. In this first part, you will learn about the Plan S open access publishing requirements endorsed by the Horizon Europe program, and how to comply with them. In addition, you will learn about other publishing-related practices recommended in Horizon Europe funded projects, such as publishing pre-prints, pre-registrations, and registered reports.

In the second part, we will review the new “overlay publishing” concept that utilizes preprint repositories and discuss why it can revolutionize the market of scientific publishing. There is a clear need for that, as the costs of scientific publishing are rapidly increasing – despite the fact that we live in the era of technologies that allow rapid worldwide communication of results through free preprint repositories, making the dissemination of results easier and cheaper than it has ever been. This raises the following questions: Do we need traditional journals anymore? If so, what will their role be in the future?

Who can participate?
The webinar is aimed at staff and students who are interested in current developments in academic publishing, namely Plan S and new publishing concepts. The lecturers are from Aalto, but the training is openly available to anyone interested in the topic.



Legal Aspects of Research Data | May 5, 2022, at 11.30 AM–12.30 PM (EET) | Registration



We will take a look at the legal framework for the use and licensing of research data, including Directive (EU) 2019/1024 on open data and the re-use of public sector information. We will discuss what this directive requires in practice when licensing open research data, namely the use of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY4.0) license.  

We will also take a look at Copyright Act and research data. We will discuss the framework of GDPR General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Official Legal Text ( and national Data Protection Act en20181050.pdf ( for use of research data.


Who can participate?

Anyone interested in research data. A short introduction to the themes of the webinar is available at (463) Legal Aspects of Data (Maria Rehbinder) – YouTube.

Learning outcomes

Learn the intellectual property framework for research data and the legal framework for personal data as part of research data.



Introduction to the world of Finnish Registry Data | May 10, 2022, at 1–2 PM (EET) | Registration



The government through its various ministries, institutions, and organisations gathers vast amounts of individual/corporate/unit-level data first and foremost for functional purposes. The gathered data usually becomes available then also for secondary purposes such as research. This means that researchers can use complete and individual-level data that can be linked to pretty much any other registry as well. This webinar tries to shed light on the world of Finnish registry data. The goal is to raise awareness of what is out there, when and where is out there, and who and how one can gain access.

Who can participate?
The webinar is aimed at anyone who is interested in using registry data but might lack the experience to wade through the sometimes-complicated details of it all. Students and researchers alike.

Learning outcomes
You will gain a general view of the world of Finnish registry data. Concepts that the webinar touches on are the relationship between functional data and research data and what this means to the availability and timeliness of registry data, services offered by Statistics Finland and FinData, and some contemplation of where this particular “field” is going. Case example, Helsinki GSE Situation Room.


Study Pre-Registration and Registered Reports | May 12, 2022, at 1–2 PM (EET) | Registration


Pre-registration of the research plan in a public repository makes the research hypothesis, study design, and planned analysis available before data is collected. Registered reports are research articles that are peer-reviewed and published in two stages, that is, both the registered research plan and the written report are peer-reviewed. Although pre-registration is perhaps most prevalent in medical research, the EU’s new Horizon Europe Program recommends pre-registration of studies to all grant winners. Come learn more about pre-registration of studies! Participants may ask questions about their particular interests. We encourage participants to register and submit questions in advance to instructors.

Who can participate?
Everyone with an internet connection.

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April 29, 2022







Finnish Reproducibility Network in Oulu


FIRN activities in Oulu are discussed on reproducibility morning café event on 29th April at 8:30 o’clock, and we invite everyone who is interested on this topic to participate on site (Kontinkangas Tellus meeting room Carpi), or via Zoom. 

In this first event, we will hear what FIRN is, and we will discuss what kind of activities, such as events, training and courses, we should have here at the University of Oulu. 

These activities are aimed to all the staff and students who want to learn how to make better science. Welcome!



8:30 Coffee is served

8:45 What is FIRN for? 

Presentation by Vootele Vöikar (NC, HiLIFE) and Andreas Scherer (FIMM, HiLIFE)

9:15-10 Discussion on reproducibility and good scientific practices

-What kind of support and training is needed in Oulu?


Please, send registration email to (salla.kangas(at) stating whether you attend on-site or remotely by Monday 25th of April. Thank you!


The event is organized with the Unit for Strategy and Science Policy, University of Oulu.

November 10, 2021




CoMO seminars: Best practice in pre-clinical animal research: Navigating the guidelines and principles


Preclinical studies using animal models are an integral part of biomedical research. However, their value is dependent on their scientific validity and reproducibility, which are, in turn, dependent on rigorous study design and reporting. This symposium aims to update on the guidelines developed and recommended for achieving robust research output. More information here.

Click here to see the Material.

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November 10, 2021




Aalto University Research Services Organises a Webinar Series on Research Data Management and Open Science in Autumn 2021


The webinars, aimed at university staff and students, are open to everyone. Participation is free. No previous knowledge needed.



Irrespective of their discipline, sound skills in research data management are becoming more and more important to researchers and students. Data management plans are increasingly required by funders, and researchers urgently need data management and open science skills to enhance the impact of their research. Everyone working with data needs to have knowledge in data storage and organisation. Safe ways of processing data are particularly important to those working with personal data or other kind of confidential data.


Aalto University Research Services organises a series of hands-on webinars, which focus on the following topics:


  • How do I safely process personal data? How can I anonymise it?  

  • How do I write an effective data management plan?   

  • How do I safely store my data in network drives and cloud services?  

  • How do I share my data?   

  • How do I use version control systems like GitHub?  

  • How do I make my research more reproducible and reusable?


In addition, specific aspects of open science and research data management will be discussed, for instance, research data in the visual arts, working with restricted datasets, and current trends in academic publishing.


April 21, 2021




CoMO seminars: Rigor, re­pro­du­cib­il­ity and data man­age­ment in non­clin­ical research


Representatives from EQIPD, the IMI project in European Quality in Preclinical Data, the University of Helsinki and the UK Reproducbility Network UKRN will discuss the status and ways of improvement of scientific rigor and quality in preclinical research. More information here.

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© 2021 by Finnish Reproducibility Network.

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