FIRN Terms of Reference:
Executive Summary
The Finnish Reproducibility Network (FIRN) is being developed to be a peer-led consortium that aims to promote and ensure rigorous research practices in Finland by
establishing targeted training activities,
developing and evaluating research improvement efforts,
disseminating best practice,
engaging with stakeholders to coordinate efforts across the sector.
FIRN will be led by a steering committee aiming for broad disciplinary representation and an intensive interdisciplinary dialogue in order to include all empirical disciplines in its goal to improve reproducibility.
The core of FIRN activities happens at the local nodes of the network, i.e., within the participating research institutions. Local nodes are self-organizing groups of researchers and staff interested in issues of research reproducibility and improvement. Local node activities may include for instance cross-disciplinary journal clubs, open science working groups, and peer groups for research proposal review. Each local node has a leader who is the point of contact for FIRN.
Research institutions can join the FIRN as institutional members to formally support the aims of the network. Institutional members can join the FIRN if the senior management formally commits to supporting the aims of the network and identifies a responsible contact person from senior research staff leading their implementation at the institution. Institutional membership does not require a financial contribution to FIRN, but institutions are expected to support the activities of their local nodes.
FIRN is supported by Stakeholders through the Stakeholder Engagement Group. This ensures that FIRN activities are aligned with the strategy and activities of the stakeholders and allows the exchange of ideas on new initiatives from the research community. Potential stakeholders include funders (both governmental and charity), learned societies and other non-profit organizations that are part of the academic environment. To become a member of the Stakeholder Engagement Group an organization has to provide direct financial support or support in kind to FIRN and is required to agree to the mission and values of FIRN.