A free open-access journal publishing results from attempts to replicate whole studies or single experiments. ISSN:2670-3815
About the Journal
Journal Scope: The Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience publishes articles from attempts to replicate entire studies or single experiments. We aim to be a platform for sharing results that support or contradict articles that have already been published in the scientific literature of basic and applied neuroscience: anatomy, behavior, biochemistry, bioinformatics, cell biology, genetics, physiology and pharmacology. We also welcome commentaries, mini-reviews and articles on the topic of reproducibility in science.
All submitted material is open-peer-reviewed (reviewers’ comments, but not names, are published alongside the study) and distributed under a CC-BY-SA license (authors retain the copyright of the study), in a platinum open-access model (no fees to authors or readers).
Authors can opt to have a single- or double-blinded review.
The Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience is hosted and maintained by the University of Helsinki Library and it operates under a diamond open-access model (no article processing fees). The independent editorial board is composed of members from the UH community (researchers and students) and external scholars.
Founding editor: Plinio Casarotto, PhD. Neuroscience Center - HiLIFE, University of Helsinki, Finland